Service That Stands Out: After More Than Three Decades, Edulog’s Commitment to its Clients Strengthens

Service That Stands Out: After More Than Three Decades, Edulog’s Commitment to its Clients Strengthens Missoula, Mont. – December 22, 2011 After more than 30 years of providing cutting-edge software and services, Edulog’s commitment to its customers and their success has only strengthened over time. Since 1977 Edulog has been the leader in K-12 transportation

Service That Stands Out: After More Than Three Decades, Edulog’s Commitment to its Clients Strengthens Read More »

Bartlesville PS – Boundary Planning & Routing Optimization

Case Study: The Bartlesville Public Schools and EdulogCreate Greater Busing Efficiency and Equitably Distribute Students with New Boundaries Oklahoma’s Bartlesville Public Schools (BPS) reduced the required number of bus stops—leading to greater transportation efficiency—and has successfully altered its elementary attendance boundaries thanks to Edulog’s Electronic Pupil Transportation System (ePTS) software and the company’s attendance boundary

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Wood County Schools, WV – Routing & Custom Map Integration

Case Study: Edulog and the Wood County Schools of West Virginia Successfully Implement the State’s 911 Map and a Routing and Scheduling System The Wood County Schools (WCS) of West Virginia and Edulog worked together to successfully implement the district’s first routing and scheduling system (EDULOG.nt) and the state’s new 911 address map. The WCS

Wood County Schools, WV – Routing & Custom Map Integration Read More »